Home » What Should You Not Tell a Workers Compensation Doctor?
March 29, 2021

What Should You Not Tell a Workers Compensation Doctor?

work injury claim formWorkers compensation covers you in case you are injured on the job. To file a claim, however, you will need to speak with an approved healthcare provider. It could be tempting to smudge information in order to receive higher compensation, but this isn’t always the best choice.

If you’re injured at work, your employer should file a workers compensation claim. This ensures that you will be compensated for the medical expenses you face due to the injury. Although you should always be honest with the doctor that handles your medical treatment, know that everything you say will be placed on your medical records to be viewed by your employer’s insurance company.

In order to get the most out of your workers compensation claim, make sure you:

Keep Careful Records 

If you require treatment between multiple doctors and healthcare providers or you require several doctor appointments, it’s important to keep track if each incident so you can be fairly compensated. Keep physical records of each appointment and treatment, as well as the cost.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately 
Delaying medical treatment can make your injury worse. Even if the injury is small, larger problems can arise from delaying treatment. There is also a certain point after delaying medical treatment where workers compensation may not cover you.

Be Honest 
This is one of the most important parts of going through a workers compensation claim. At every point of the process, you should be honest about:


  • The incident 

  • Your medical history 

  • Your pain and limitations


When detailing the accident, speak about the basic, most important factors to maintain consistent. If there are any inconsistencies found, it can lead to doubts on the accident itself.

When you visit a medical professional, you must be honest about your pain, limitations and medical history. Providing an honest medical history can prevent complications with care. Also know that, if you do hide a previous injury, your employer’s insurance company can and will obtain your medical records. If you’re caught lying about having any previous injuries, especially if they’re related to the current injury, you could be denied workers compensation. It’s just as important to be honest about the pain and limits you experience. If an injury makes it difficult to work, don’t push yourself to work. Let your doctor know, and make sure they keep records of the limitations. Workers compensation can cover disability, as well.

Follow Advice from Your Healthcare Provider 
If necessary, your doctor will treat your wounds and prescribe you medicine. Make sure to follow the doctor’s directions carefully. Don’t stop treatment too soon, even if you’re feeling better. Issues can arise by not finishing treatment or medication. It can also cause doubt to arise about the injury, and the insurance company may cast blame for any lasting pain on the fact that you did not finish treatment.

This also goes for missing appointments or not following up on treatment. You should be active in making your appointments and getting continuous treatment as necessary so that the severity of your injury is not called into question.

Keep in mind that the doctor you will see is likely one dictated by your employer’s workers compensation policy. You may be able to see your own medical professional, but you may have to see the workers compensation doctor first. Make sure to keep calm and be honest. Insulting your employer for the injury may bring up the idea of ulterior motives. Cooperate with medical professionals at every step to ensure that you receive the medical treatment you need and not make any question about your honesty. Before an injury can occur, make sure you understand the parameters of your employer’s workers compensation insurance.

Can a Workers Compensation Claim Be Denied? 
Believe it or not, your workers compensation claim can be denied for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons a workers compensation claim may be denied include:

  • The injury is not covered (intentional injury, injury occurred under influence of drugs or alcohol, etc.) 

  • Medical assistance not sought out immediately 

  • Claim not filed within a reasonable amount of time 

  • False claim (no injury or not enough documentation of said injury) 

  • Inconsistency


It is crucial that your account of the injury and related events remains the same when speaking to your manager, healthcare provider and the insurance agent. Any discrepancies could cause concern and lead to less compensation or even a denied claim. When in doubt, speak with your employer and their insurance agent about your options.


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